Russia-Ukraine War: UN Chief Calls for Probe Into Killings in Bucha

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Secretary-General António Guterres said Monday that he is “deeply shocked” by the images of civilians killed in Bucha, Ukraine, and has called for an independent investigation into the incident..

Guterres said in a statement that he is “deeply shocked by the images of civilians killed in Bucha, Ukraine.” He added that “it is essential that there be an independent investigation to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.”.

The secretary-general also called for an end to the violence in Ukraine and for a negotiated settlement to the conflict..

“The violence must stop,” Guterres said. “The fighting must end. The killing of civilians is unacceptable. The humanitarian needs are immense. The people of Ukraine need peace and they need it now.”.

Guterres also appealed for humanitarian access to the affected areas in Ukraine..

“Humanitarian organizations must be allowed to reach people in need,” Guterres said. “We need to ensure that they have safe and unimpeded access to provide life-saving assistance.”.

The secretary-general’s statement comes after reports emerged of civilian casualties in Bucha, a town on the outskirts of Kyiv. The reports included images of bodies lying in the streets, some with their hands bound behind their backs..

The Ukrainian government has accused Russian forces of committing war crimes in Bucha. Russia has denied the allegations, claiming that the images are staged..

The United Nations is currently investigating the reports of civilian casualties in Bucha. The secretary-general has said that he will follow the investigation closely and that he will keep the Security Council updated on the findings..

The Security Council is scheduled to hold a meeting on Ukraine on Tuesday. The meeting will be chaired by the United Kingdom, which is the current president of the council..

The Security Council has been unable to agree on a resolution on Ukraine due to the veto power of Russia. Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council, and it has vetoed all resolutions that would have condemned its actions in Ukraine..

The United States has called for Russia to be expelled from the Security Council. The United States is not a member of the Security Council, but it has the right to participate in its meetings..

The United States has also called for an international investigation into the reports of civilian casualties in Bucha. The United States has said that it will support any investigation that is credible and independent..

The United States has also called for an end to the violence in Ukraine and for a negotiated settlement to the conflict. The United States has said that it will continue to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity..

The United States has also called for humanitarian access to the affected areas in Ukraine. The United States has said that it will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine..

The United States has also called for Russia to be held accountable for its actions in Ukraine. The United States has said that it will continue to work with its partners to hold Russia accountable for its actions..

The United States has also called for an end to the war in Ukraine. The United States has said that it will continue to work with its partners to end the war in Ukraine..

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