Garment Hide: Event 2 Garnmin hit

WASHINGTON (Xinhua) — Two garment factories in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka caught fire on Thursday, injuring at least 20 people, local media reported.

The fire broke out at a factory in the Ashulia area at around 8:45 a.m. local time, said the Daily Star newspaper. Twelve workers were injured and rushed to a nearby hospital.

Another fire broke out at a factory in the Savar area at around 9:30 a.m. local time. Eight workers were injured in the blaze and were sent to a local hospital for treatment.

The causes of both fires are under investigation.

Bangladesh’s garment industry is a major export earner for the country. However, the industry has been plagued by safety issues in recent years. In 2013, over 1,100 people were killed when the Rana Plaza building, which housed several garment factories, collapsed.

Following the Rana Plaza disaster, the Bangladeshi government and international organizations have worked to improve safety standards in the garment industry. However, more needs to be done to ensure that workers are safe in these factories.

Thursday’s fires are a reminder of the ongoing safety risks in Bangladesh’s garment industry. It is essential that the government and factory owners continue to work together to improve safety standards and prevent future tragedies..

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